DCBDD Updates
Upcoming Board Meetings and Closures
Upcoming Board Meeting:
June 13 at 6:30 p.m.
Upcoming Closures:
June 19, July 4, Sept. 2
Background checks are available by appointment only. To schedule, please send an email to BCI@dcbdd.org
Health and Welfare Alerts:
If you are a provider who is interested in receiving emergency alerts from DCBDD, click here to sign up!
To receive health and welfare alerts from DODD, click here
DCBDD to Distribute iBill
We have partnered with the U.S. Treasury Department to be a distributor of the iBill.
Read below to learn more about the iBill and how to acquire one from DCBDD.
2024 Provider Rates
For more rates, including ratios and other updated services, click here https://dodd.ohio.gov/forms-and-rules/rules-under-development/rule_updates
Rates starting January 1, 2024
Independent providers (1:1)
- HPC – $7.04/unit
- OSOC – $4.13
- Behavior add on – $.82/unit
- Complex Care add on – $.82/unit
- Medical add on – $.16/unit
- HPC Transportation, non-modified vehicle – $.78/mile
- HPC Transportation, modified vehicle – $1.36
- Residential respite – $168.27/day, $7.25/unit
- Informal respite – $3.74/unit
- Shared Living (depending on DDP range) – $141.41 – $234.13/day
- Agency providers (1:1)
- HPC – $7.97/unit
- OSOC – $5.44/unit
- Behavior add on – $.82/unit
- Complex Care add on – $.82/unit
- Medical add on – $.16/unit
- HPC Transportation, non-modified vehicle – $.78/mile
- HPC Transportation, modified vehicle – $1.36
- Residential respite – $187.47/day, $8.21/unit
- Shared Living (depending on DDP range) – $160.99 – $266.56/day
Holiday and FI Transition to Affect Provider Payment Dates
The Ohio Department of Medicaid will be transitioning DODD claims processing from the Medicaid Information Technology System (MITS) to the new Fiscal Intermediary (FI) on July 1, 2024. To support this transition, please note the following deadlines for claims submissions:
- Beginning with the JUN24D cycle, claims adjustments will not be allowed to support successful transition from MITS to FI. Adjustments submitted after noon on June 19 will be rejected. We expect to begin processing adjustments with the AUG24C cycle.
- JUL24A cycle, which is pulled on Wednesday, June 26, 2024, will be cut off at noon to allow sufficient time for processing. This means we will not be able to pull in any claims after noon and any billing submissions after the noon deadline will be left for the next week’s processing.
- Claims for the JUL24A cycle will be pulled on Wednesday, July 3, at noon to allow sufficient time for processing. Payment for the JUL24A cycle will be delayed by one day due to the Independence Day holiday. Providers should anticipate payment via Electronic Funds Transfers and checks to be mailed out on Friday, July 5.
Please note that the submission deadlines will not affect a provider’s ability to submit claims to DODD.
Incident Reporting Requirements
An Incident Reporting Form (IRF) must be completed for all MUIs and UIs.
All IRFs for MUIs must be sent to MUI@dcbdd.org by 3pm on the following business day.
Monthly Requirement
- All providers are required to complete monthly UI Logs, which are reviewed by DODD and DCBDD during compliance reviews. Please note, logs must show evidence they were reviewed at least monthly, even when no incidents have occurred. Evidence can be shown by signature and date on the log. Here is a link to a UI Log you can use: DODD UI Log
- DCBDD will request UI Logs from all providers at least once per year. When requested, UI Logs may be mailed to the Delaware County Board of Developmental Disabilities or emailed to UILogReview@dcbdd.org.
Annual Requirement
- By January 31st of each year, all providers shall conduct an in-depth review and analysis of trends and patterns of MUIs occurring during the preceding calendar year and compile an annual report. Providers shall send the annual report to the county board for all programs operated in the county by February 28th of each year.
- Annual MUI reports for Delaware County should be sent to MUI@dcbdd.org. You are required to complete and send this analysis to the County Board even if you do not have any MUIs to report. These forms can be found on our website at the links below:
- Independent Provider- ANNUAL REPORT (dcbdd.org)
- Agency Provider- ANNUAL REPORT (dcbdd.org)
- If you have not provided your annual report to DCBDD for 2022, please send it to MUI@dcbdd.org.
Abuser Registry Updates
DODD Shares Documentation Templates
DODD has created service delivery documentation templates for providers who deliver shared living, homemaker personal care, and transportation. Providers do not have to use these templates. They are intended to be a resource to help providers document all the required elements in the service rules. You can find the forms here.
Templates for additional services will be shared in the upcoming months.
Email Compliance@dodd.ohio.gov.
Community Resource Feature
Support for Front Line Workers
Delaware-Morrow Mental Health & Recovery Services Board are offering support for front line workers. This includes first responders, healthcare workers, educational personal and funeral home workers.
To schedule an appointment call 614-889-5722 ext. 133 or frontline@syntero.org
Assistive Technology Library
Interested in trying assistive technology to see if it meets your needs? Borrow a device from the DCBDD Assistive Technology Lending Library! Our current inventory includes:
- Echo Show
- Echo Dot
- Ring Video Doorbell
- Smart Plug
- Wyze Camera
- Electronic Reading Aid
- Miku Monitor
- Schlage Electronic Deadbolt
- Clip Different
To borrow a device, review the following documents and submit the request to AssistiveTechnology@dcbdd.org.
Community Events
Sign up to receive DODD newsletters!
- Pipeline
- DSP Connection
- Family Connection
- Director’s Corner
- Tech First and more!
Sign up here: https://bit.ly/3DOll9C
Leadership LAUNCHpad
July 30 – August 1
9 a.m. Tuesday – 4 p.m. Thursday
A unique retreat, immersing each participant in a leadership-themed environment shared with like-minded people. Every retreat is its own universe, separate from “the outside world,” and participants are empowered to concentrate on personal development, exercise networking skills, and re-enter the day-to-day with a clearer sense of their leadership identities.
For more information and to register, click here
DSP and Provider Support Open Door Sessions Changes Schedule
Open Door Sessions are a time for providers, direct support professionals, and county board provider support staff to come together with DODD staff to network, brainstorm, and discuss issues related to the support of providers and direct support professionals.
The sessions were previously held on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month. Due to low participation, the session held at 4 PM on the 4th Wednesday of the month is being canceled.
Please join us for the DSP & Provider Support Open Door Session the 2nd Wednesday of each month from 9 – 10 AM.
Save the Dates: In-Person Supportive Technology Trainings Set for June 12 and 28
There are two great Ohio opportunities to meet in person with national experts on supportive technology to network and learn about best practices.
- On June 12, 2024, from 10 AM to 3 PM, Jennifer White of Able Opportunities will facilitate this interactive training session for SSAs, providers, families, and people with lived experience called “Putting Person-Driven Technology into Practice” at Marion County Board of Developmental Disabilities (2387 Harding Hwy E, Marion, OH 43302). Register here.
- On June 28, 2024, 9 AM – 4:30 PM, Jerry Bernard from the Charles Lea Center will host “How to Build a Technology First Organization and Culture” at the State Library of Ohio (274 E First Avenue Columbus, OH 43201). This training will focus on an overview of the basics of Technology First and developing a Technology First Implementation Plan, with real-world examples of supportive technologies and their benefits and possibilities. Register here.
Provider Coordinator Oversees Integral Parts of Delaware County Board System
By Olivia Minnier
Inside a blue-painted office, a woman is in meeting after meeting helping a seemingly endless line of providers in Delaware County through the paperwork, certifications, and training they need to serve individuals in the county. She asks them if they want coffee and swivels a computer monitor to help them with technical questions.
Cheryl Copley has been DCBDD’s Provider Coordinator for 18 years. Cheryl first got her start at DCBDD as a DSP working in the sheltered workshop.
A Provider Coordinator works with providers to help them best do their job by providing technical assistance, assisting new agency and independent providers get into the state developmental disabilities system, billing, ongoing training requirements, and re-certification, making sure the website is up to date, and creating guides and resources for providers.
“There’s been a lot of things that have changed just as far as duties go just because the role has grown so much,” she said.
As part of the Provider Coordinator role, Cheryl says her job involves many moving parts.
One of those has been creating the Request for Provider or RFP system, which stemmed from a request for a provider to serve an individual with very complex needs on a tight deadline.
“A young man coming out of high school had some complex behavioral needs, so we were looking for a very specific type of provider to work with him, and time was limited because it was an emergency. So, we pulled emails out of, probably a contract database back then, and sent an email out and that was the birth of the RFP. That was the first RFP,” she said.
Since then, the system has evolved from online website postings and an email request list to the Free Choice of Provider Portal that launched in May. The Free Choice of Provider portal allows the previous process to be even easier, data to be gleaned, and everything to work in an overall more efficient manner.
“It’s one place where the Service and Support Administrator logs in, the provider logs in, they can look at the available cases according to their certifications and they can respond. The Service and Support Administrators do not have to assemble or look up provider certification because they know providers are only getting access to it if they are certified. They don’t have to put together a report at the end of the posting to send to the family, this system does it for them. The system will give notifications to the providers. It will send notifications to the support administrators. It also gives us better documentation and easier documentation of free choice of provider. It’s just a more efficient tool,” she said.
“When we started collecting the data, we were doing it by hand in the beginning of 2023, and we were able to see that we had about a 50 percent fill rate if I recall and it was 1-9 hours that was the hardest to fill in the outlying areas of Delaware,” she said.
Cheryl said the portal also allows her to use that data to talk to agencies and providers who are new to Delaware.
“Hopefully they will be building their staff around those areas and know what to expect when they come into the county,” she said.
Cheryl says that is ultimately the main goal of her position: to simplify the paperwork and data.
“I think in everything that I do, my first goal is to make the technical stuff easy because the service delivery should be the hard part, not the technical stuff. The technical side needs to be easy to follow and easy to manage so they can do what they do best which is work with people. No one gets into this business because they love paperwork,” she said.