DCBDD Updates
Upcoming Board Meetings and Closures
Upcoming Board Meeting:
August 10 at 6:30 p.m.
Upcoming Closures:
Labor Day – September 4
Brown Jug Day – Closed at Noon – September 21
Background checks are available by appointment only. To schedule, please send an email to BCI@dcbdd.org
Health and Welfare Alerts:
Visit the following link for dehydration information
If you are a provider who is interested in receiving emergency alerts from DCBDD, click here to sign up!
To receive health and welfare alerts from DODD, click here
Important Reminder
Please remember all services must be pre-authorized, this includes units being added to existing authorizations.
It is true providers have 330 days to bill but, that is for authorized services only.
Let’s talk if you have questions!
Required Sample of UI Logs
Starting in July, DCBDD will request a random sampling of your Unusual Incident logs for a specific three-month period. It is required that all providers complete monthly UI logs, which are reviewed by DODD and DCBDD during compliance reviews. Please note logs must show evidence they were reviewed at least monthly, even when no incidents have occurred. Evidence can be shown by signature and date on the log.
We have attached a UI log for your use.
The MUI Rule (OAC 5123-17-02) indicates that we must review a representative sampling of provider logs on a quarterly basis for the purpose of ensuring that all MUIs required to be reported have been reported and that trends and patterns have been identified and addressed. Please be sure to indicate that you have reviewed the UI logs requested for trends and patterns. If trends and patterns were identified, please include a cover letter which indicates what the trends and patterns were and what was done to address them. If you have no UIs to report during this time frame, please send back a UI log indicating this. This will not require a cover letter.
The MUI Rule (OAC 5123-07-02) defines “Unusual Incidents” as an event or occurrence involving an individual that is not consistent with routine operations, policies and procedures, or the individual’s care or individual service plan, but is not a major unusual incident. Unusual incident includes, but is not limited to: dental injuries; falls; an injury that is not a significant injury; medication errors without a likely risk to health and welfare; overnight relocation of an individual due to a fire, natural disaster, or mechanical failure; an incident involving two individuals served that is not a peer-to-peer act major unusual incident; rights code violations or unapproved behavioral supports without a likely risk to health and welfare; emergency room or urgent care treatment center visits; and program implementation incidents.
When requested, UI logs can be mailed to the Delaware County Board of Developmental Disabilities or emailed to UILogReview@dcbdd.org.
As a reminder, by January 31st of each year, all providers shall conduct an in-depth review and analysis of trends and patterns of major unusual incidents occurring during the preceding calendar year and compile an annual report. Providers shall send the annual report to the county board for all programs operated in the county by February 28th of each year. Due to issues with the DODD Incident Tracking System, providers have been given an extension to complete the annual review by July 1, 2023, and send to the county board by July 28, 2023.
Annual MUI reports for Delaware County should be sent to MUI@dcbdd.org. You are required complete and send this analysis to the County Board even if you do not have any MUIs to report. These forms can be found on our website at the links below:
Independent Provider- ANNUAL REPORT (dcbdd.org)
Agency Provider- ANNUAL REPORT (dcbdd.org)
If you have not provided your annual report for 2022, please send it to MUI@dcbdd.org.
Abuser Registry Updates
- Eva Yovonna Strozier 11/09/1970
- Matthew Drews 11/19/1984
- Jamay Drake 03/17/1981
If you believe these individuals are in your employ or seeking employment with your organization, you should follow published procedures for verifying the applicant/employee is not on the registry. If you have questions regarding this information, please contact the DODD registry unit at: 1-866-313-673.
Community Resource Feature
Bridges Community Action Partnership
Bridges Community Action Partnership empowers people in need by connecting them with resources. The organizations specifically serves Delaware, Logan, Madison, Shelby, and Union counties.
To learn more about resources for Delaware County, visit this link.
Assistive Technology Library
Interested in trying assistive technology to see if it meets your needs? Borrow a device from the DCBDD Assistive Technology Lending Library! Our current inventory includes:
- Echo Show
- Echo Dot
- Ring Video Doorbell
- Smart Plug
- Wyze Camera
- Electronic Reading Aid
- Miku Monitor
- Schlage Electronic Deadbolt
- Clip Different
To borrow a device, review the following documents and submit the request to AssistiveTechnology@dcbdd.org.

Community Events
Health Linkage Program
The Health Linkage Program can help with:
- healthcare providers not understanding disabilities
- being denied appointments
- physical inaccessibility of buildings and places
inaccessibility of equipment like exam tables - inadequate insurance coverage
- lack of transportation
The Health Linkage Program helps make these problems go away so you can just focus on your health!
Sign up to receive DODD newsletters!
- Pipeline
- DSP Connection
- Family Connection
- Director’s Corner
- Tech First and more!
Sign up here: https://bit.ly/3DOll9C
DSP Days
OADSP and Scene75 partnered back in September 2022 to bring you DSP Days: the first Thursday of every month – including August 3 – registered DSPs can visit Scene75 for FREE FUN! – yes FREE, and friends and family get a BIG discount! Click here for more information and to register.
OADSP Ambassadors
Are you an Executive Director, or another upper-level administrative staffer at an agency provider? If so, OADSP wants you to select and submit your agency’s OADSP Ambassador today! Read here about the program’s benefits to your employees and the requirements of the commitment. Ready to send us your selection? Click here! The next orientation and training is August 9 via Zoom, so don’t delay.
DSP Recognition Event
September 15 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Columbus Zoo & Aquarium 4850 W Powell Rd 43065
Coinciding with National DSP Recognition Week, OADSP’s 2023 DSP Recognition Event (DSPRE) is a true occasion, offering Direct Support Professionals the opportunity to gather together and bask in acknowledgement and appreciation.
Register here
Synergy 2023
October 4th- 6th
Kalahari Resort and Conference Center Sandusky, Ohio
Synergy Conference is an incredible event designed to create an environment of collaboration, innovation and growth among those who experience and support people with developmental disabilities. You don’t want to miss out on this valuable three-day conference!
Register here
Provider Training Series
Aug 31, 2023
Sep 28, 2023
Oct 26, 2023
All sessions are at 10 a.m.
Join the Provider Training Series offered by the Office of Compliance. Contact compliance@dodd.ohio.gov with any questions. OSSAS is now the Office of Compliance. Register here

Volunteering Promotes Stability and Leadership
Words by Olivia Minnier and photos by Kelly Jacoby
During the humid and hot summer in central Ohio, the volunteers at the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium can be spotted educating visitors about the animals in their green polos. One volunteer in particular, Jamie Machovina shines while informing guests about the Sea Lions and Harbor Seals in Adventure Cove.
Jamie is a 32-year-old Powell resident who lives at home with his mom, Susan. He has always had a strong love and interest in animals, leading him to a previous job at Safari Adventure in Sandusky, Ohio.
“Jamie advocates for himself, by expressing how he feels and what is important to him. Jamie worked as a Zookeeper in Sandusky for 7-8 years. His experience started with volunteering, internship, and then employment. His responsibilities included cleaning, monitoring areas visitors paid to see animals, and opening the Zoo at 7:00 am. He managed his job duties well and enjoyed the experience,” said his Service and Support Administrator, Diana Barnhart.
Jamie has always held employment and volunteer opportunities as he enjoys keeping busy and learning new things. He also has obtained an associates degree from Bowling Green Firelands Community College.
For the past several years, he has been volunteering at the Columbus Zoo. He said he loves the hands-on work and educating guests.
“[I love] being able to share my knowledge about the animals and answer a lot of questions.”
As a part of his volunteer work at the zoo, he was able to participate in the zoo’s halloween themed night with Zoombezi Bay called Zombezi Bay. He was a scare actor and enjoyed dressing up and playing a zombie.
In addition to his volunteer duties, he is currently working to be a docent. Becoming a docent requires 50 hours of training plus 10 hours of continuing education.
These volunteers answer any questions visitors might have about the animals or the exhibit and are expected to have a high level of knowledge.
Diana said Jamie has been incredibly dedicated to the schedule and has been working hard to achieve this new goal.
“Jamie wants to do well in everything he sets out to do. He is dedicated to finding a job where he can help others and make a difference,” she said.