DCBDD Helps Makes State-Wide Impact with Rest Stop Changing Table Project
by Olivia Minnier
The Delaware County Board of Developmental Disabilities is making a significant impact for individuals and their families by collaborating with a local advocacy group to help get universal changing tables installed in 29 rest areas throughout the state.
Ohio’s Governor, Mike DeWine, opened the first of these rest stops in early January of this year. The changing tables were included in a rest-stop revitalization project from the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) to transform 29 outdated facilities.
Kim Kirkwood, Co-Chapter Leader of Changing Spaces Ohio, a national group that advocates for accessible restrooms with universal changing tables said she has been advocating since 2022 for these changes.
“Before forming Changing Spaces Ohio, we had each already tried reaching out to our own elected officials to try to bring about policies or laws that would lead to more adult changing stations getting installed. We hadn’t had much success yet, so I reached out to the Governor’s office in 2022, and by early 2023 they had connected us with ODOT leadership. We explained why providing universal changing tables in family restrooms at Ohio rest stops was so important,” she said.
The timing of reaching out ended up being perfect because the ODOT project was already slated to begin. She said after that point; it took around two years from the initial meeting until the restroom opened in January.
Kirkwood said Chase Waits, Director of Communications and Community Engagement for DCBDD, and Courtney Hines, DCBDD’s Outreach Advocate, were a huge help during this time.
“Chase and Courtney helped us to educate ODOT leaders about the huge impact this would make on not only people in Delaware County but all across the state. Their lived experience helped to drive home our message to ODOT about how important having inclusive rest stops is. Chase and Courtney have also worked tirelessly to get more adult-size changing tables installed throughout Delaware County, by securing federal grant funding, holding many meetings behind the scenes, and providing grants for 11 new adult-size changing tables to be installed in public places around our county and neighboring counties,” Kirkwood said.
She said the impact of this project can’t be understated.
“We hope to make our state a more accessible and inclusive state in general through our advocacy work. Many people have never experienced what it is like to function in a society that never planned for your needs. Without having accessible and inclusive restroom facilities, getting out of the house to explore your community is a monumental task. Ultimately, we want to eliminate this as a barrier so they can be part of their community and not have to live in isolation,” she said
Hines said getting involved with Changing Spaces Ohio and this project specifically has been an honor and she is grateful to be able to use her lived experience to help a cause with such a large impact.
“I know how hard it is to go out in public and do stuff in public when you don’t have that capability, so I thought it was a really good goal to be a part of and help make it happen,” she said.
Kristine Hodge, Superintendent of DCBDD, said she is encouraged by the success of this project and DCBDD’s outreach efforts on changing tables.
“At DCBDD, our vision is to create a community where all people, regardless of their abilities, can lead fulfilling lives. The success of our outreach efforts, such as increasing the availability of universal changing tables, is a testament to our commitment to promoting accessibility, independence, and inclusion. By continuing to advocate for developmental disabilities initiatives and enhancing our services, we strive to make Delaware County the most inclusive county in the state of Ohio,” she said.
The overall impact of making rest stops more inclusive will have a direct effect on families like Kirkwood’s, whose son uses an adult changing table. She said every time they travel, they are faced with a lack of inclusive restrooms where she can change him. Kirkwood said there have been times when she has had to change him on the floor of a restroom or in the trunk of her van, which is not a sustainable long-term solution.
“As he grows bigger and heavier, I will not be able to safely lift him down to the ground and back up again. My son is just one person out of thousands in Ohio who needs a safe, dignified, and private place to change. This project will not only give people the freedom to travel, but this raises the bar for buildings across the state. I hope these rest stops inspire businesses, parks, and small governments across our state to follow ODOT’s lead and install accessible and inclusive restrooms in their buildings too.”
DCBDD Updates
DCBDD Administrative Office Address
DCBDD’s administrative offices have relocated to 149 N Sandusky Street, Delaware 43015. All phone numbers/email addresses remain unchanged.
Upcoming DCBDD Board Meeting:
February 13 at 6:30 p.m. at the Byxbe Campus
Upcoming DCBDD events:
- Advocacy Roundtable – February 3
- Buddies, Books, and Bubbles at the Delaware County District Library (main) – February 13
- Bishop Backers Winter Community Day Expo – February 22
- Delaware County Employee Health Fair – February 27
- Ohio Wesleyan University’s Career & Summer Internship Fair – February 27
DCBDD ARPA Grant Projects
Throughout 2024, DCBDD utilized one-time ARPA grant funds from the Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities to promote accessibility and inclusion for people with developmental disabilities and their families in Delaware County and Central Ohio.
Our area of focus:
- Building Accessible Communities
- Installing Universal Changing Tables
- Promoting Inclusive Meetings and Conferences
To learn about all of the projects, visit www.dcbdd.org/ARPA2024

DCBDD Employee Recognition
Congratulations to Service Coordinator Bethany Miesse on her five-year anniversary at DCBDD! We appreciate all of your hard work and service to the Delaware community.
Technology Resource Feature
Ohio's Tech Ambassadors
Ohio’s Tech Ambassadors are a resource on how Supportive Technology can be used at home, at school, at work, and in the community. Tech Ambassadors share their personal experiences through peer-to-peer mentoring sessions, either in person or virtually.
Request a meeting with one of Ohio’s Tech Ambassadors here: https://ohiotechambassadors.org/request
Assistive Technology Library
Interested in trying assistive technology to see if it meets your needs? Borrow a device from the DCBDD Assistive Technology Lending Library! Our current inventory includes:
- Echo Show
- Echo Dot
- Ring Video Doorbell
- Smart Plug
- Wyze Camera
- Electronic Reading Aid
- Miku Monitor
- Schlage Electronic Deadbolt
- Clip Different
To borrow a device, review the following documents and submit the request to AssistiveTechnology@dcbdd.org.
Community Events & Resources
Health Linkage Program
The Health Linkage Program can help with:
- healthcare providers not understanding disabilities
- being denied appointments
- physical inaccessibility of buildings and places
inaccessibility of equipment like exam tables - inadequate insurance coverage
- lack of transportation
The Health Linkage Program helps make these problems go away so you can just focus on your health!
Assistive Technology of Ohio Offers Refurbished Laptops
Did you know that Assistive Technology of Ohio at The Ohio State University offers refurbished desktop or laptop computers to persons with developmental disabilities for the low cost of $30? If you can’t pick it up, they will ship directly to the person for an additional $30. If someone you support could benefit from a computer but doesn’t have the funds, you can assist them or their team in checking out this program and submitting the necessary application for a computer.
Learn more about this program and other great technology resources at https://atohio.org/.
Executive Leadership Training Survey
The advocacy group People First of Ohio is developing trainings for people with developmental disabilities and their family members to encourage service on boards, commissions, and councils. Please take a moment to fill out their survey: www.surveymonkey.com/r/SBZND9V