Local Roots Gives Man Community
Words and photos by Olivia Minnier
At Powell’s farm-to-table restaurant, Local Roots, visitors might recall the food, the atmosphere, or customer service as things to note. However, there is one person exceptionally excited to be there that customers do not see; a dishwasher named Jordan.
Jordan Higgins, a Delaware City native who turns 31 soon, has worked as a dishwasher at the restaurant for around 5 years after finishing his continued education at Oakstone Community in Westerville.
Higgins has been receiving services from the DCBDD since he was two years after he suddenly stopped talking, said his mom, Cindy Higgins.
“Really early on he went to an early childhood/special needs center called Hickory Knoll. His preschool was also a special needs preschool with others mixed in through Delaware City (Schools) he had inclusion up until fifth grade.”
Cindy Higgins said he attended Dempsey Middle School until seventh grade when he was transferred to Oakstone Academy in Westerville.
“He stayed in their career program until he was twenty-one,” she said.
Higgins attended a few day programs in the area before getting his job at Local Roots. Cindy said that the restaurant chose to forgo an outside job training coach and decided to train Jordan themselves, which he did well with.
Jordan says that he enjoys his job at the restaurant and looks forward to seeing his co-workers. When asked, he named a whole list of staff he has become friends with over the years.
“We go in there to check on him every once in a while & they say ‘we love him, he’s just perfect.’” said his dad, Paul Higgins.
The exposure to the local community and others has been incredibly beneficial for Jordan in multiple ways. Cindy and Paul both said that Jordan’s communication has improved significantly since working.
“He’s able to talk in more complete sentences now,” Cindy said.
Higgins is also seeing the monetary benefits of his work after he had an experience with a couple who tipped him $10.
“They saw him working and were so happy he was there, because their son is unable to work, that they wanted to tip him,” said Cindy.
Jordan is excited to go to his job every day and had no complaints when asked about things he disliked.
“I think he just likes getting out during the day and seeing something different every single day,” said Paul.
DCBDD Updates
DCBDD Board Meeting: June 8 at 6:30 p.m.
Upcoming Closures:
Juneteenth – June 19
Medicaid Unwinding
To learn more about the changes in Medicaid benefits, please look at the attached flyers.
Voter Registration Changes
Ohio has changed the requirements for voting. For additional information, please see the attached flyers.
Technology Resource Feature
Ohio's Tech Ambassadors
Ohio’s Tech Ambassadors are a resource on how Supportive Technology can be used at home, at school, at work, and in the community. Tech Ambassadors share their personal experiences through peer-to-peer mentoring sessions, either in person or virtually.
Request a meeting with one of Ohio’s Tech Ambassadors here: https://ohiotechambassadors.org/request
Assistive Technology Library
Interested in trying assistive technology to see if it meets your needs? Borrow a device from the DCBDD Assistive Technology Lending Library! Our current inventory includes:
- Echo Show
- Echo Dot
- Ring Video Doorbell
- Smart Plug
- Wyze Camera
- Electronic Reading Aid
- Miku Monitor
- Schlage Electronic Deadbolt
- Clip Different
To borrow a device, review the following documents and submit the request to AssistiveTechnology@dcbdd.org.
Community Events & Resources
Changing Table Map
Changing Spaces Ohio created an interactive map of all adult changing tables across the country! Use the following link to access it http://www.universalchangingtablemap.com/
Ohio Regional Youth Leadership Forums
For more information contact: Zoe Wenk, The Center for Disability Empowerment
zwenk@disabilityempowerment.net | 614-575-8055

Free Summer Lunch
Woodward Elementary School
200 S. Washington Street
Every Weekday 11:30 – 12:30 p.m.
Closed June 19, July 3rd & 4th

2023 Supplies for Scholars
2023 In-Person Shopping Events
Willis Education Center: July 27th 4pm-6pm
Willis Education Center: July 28th 9am-11am
2023 In-Person Mobile Distribution Events
Ashley Wesleyan Church: July 25th 10am-12pm
Woodward Elementary: August 2nd 12pm-2pm
Olentangy Administrative Offices: August 4th 11am-1pm
Sunbury Community Library: August 5th 11am-1pm
Register a student here

Health Linkage Program
The Health Linkage Program can help with:
- healthcare providers not understanding disabilities
- being denied appointments
- physical inaccessibility of buildings and places
inaccessibility of equipment like exam tables - inadequate insurance coverage
- lack of transportation
The Health Linkage Program helps make these problems go away so you can just focus on your health!