The Delaware County Commissioners are seeking applications to fill current DCBDD Board Member, Jeffrey Wallace’s seat. After 11 years of dedicated service, Jeffrey has resigned his position on the board effective February 28. We greatly appreciate Jeffrey’s dedication and support to the Delaware County Board of Developmental Disabilities.
To apply for this open position, applicants must be a resident of Delaware County and a citizen of the United States, and must be interested and knowledgeable in the field of developmental disabilities and related fields. Individuals and family members of individuals receiving services from the Board are eligible to apply. Individuals who have professional training and experience in business management, finance, law, health care practice, personnel administration or government service are encouraged to apply. The Commissioners are seeking to appoint one citizen member for a term that will expire December 31, 2020.
Interested individuals can apply by using Delaware County’s online application portal. For any questions regarding this application procedure, please contact Dana Bushong, Delaware County Human Resources, 740-833-2129 or Completed Board Appointment applications must be received through the Applicant Tracking portal no later than 11:59 p.m. on Feb. 8, 2018.